So today was a great day... i've been visiting in the United States for the last two weeks and really loving it. I didn't feel that I needed a break, but here i am enjoying it. There is so much I can share, but as the days go by I will share more. This whole idea of sharing for the whole world to read is new for me and will take getting use to for me. So anyway, at the moment, i'm at our friends home in florida where we feel most at home. This is a family that have been apart of our family and our lives for over 17 yrs. The only thing in all this blessing is that our children are back home, so I really do miss the noise that comes with them, especially my little 5yr old Hannah. But being here is great for me.
I just came from a trip in Maryland and Virginia that was tremendous. Visiting with the youth at children home was very inspiring to me. Being in the cold with lows of lower forties was intense for me coming from 96 degree weather with high humidity. I was also in Virginia where I saw the biggest yard sale in all my life...for miles. That was unbelievable. I wish I had a 40 ft container truck to take back to Belize, lol. But driving back I saw some awesome scenery in the mountains of MD anf VA. This is a beautiful place. So I am chilaxing now in FL enjoying a break.